
《实习医生格蕾》或要播到16季 这是要成为史上

《实习医生格蕾》或要播到16季 这是要成为史上


but I am really feeling like we have told the majority of the stories that we can tell,。

who plays Meredith Grey on the ABC medical drama。

‘This is how the show should end, Could Season 16 be the last for Grey's Anatomy? Star Ellen Pompeo has hinted that may be the case. 《实习医生格蕾》第16季会是最后一季吗?明星艾伦·旁派暗示情况可能如此。

该剧的主创珊达·瑞姆斯将会回来写最后一集, will return to write the final episode. 当《实习医生格蕾》最终结束时,但我真的觉得我们已经讲述了大部分我们能讲的故事,在接受《娱乐周刊》采访时,所以我停止了尝试。

series creator Shonda Rhimes,” Rhimes told EW. 瑞姆斯告诉《娱乐周刊》:“我已经写了至少六遍结局了。

’ we've gone past those moments,被问到是否会继续出演第16季,‘这就是这部剧的结局’的时候, When Grey’s does finally end。

我现在不知道,” “I'm definitely looking for a change.” “我肯定会寻求改变的。

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, “I have written the end of the show at least six times,” “But we just don't end. Every time I thought,” Pompeo said. 她说:“显然我现在还没有准备好发表任何关于在这部剧中我未来角色的正式声明, “I'm clearly not prepared right now to make any formal announcement about what my future is on the show。

so I've stopped trying. I have no idea now.” “但我们还没有结束,每次我想, Pompeo。

was asked if she sees herself continuing on the show beyond Season 16. 在ABC医疗剧《实习医生格蕾》中扮演实习生格蕾的旁派。

“ Pompeo's current contract runs through Season 16 which will wrap in 2020. 旁派目前的合同将持续到2020年的第16季, ,我们都已经度过了那些时刻,” Grey's Anatomy Season 15 premieres September 27 on ABC. 《实习医生格蕾》第15季将于9月27日在ABC电视台首播。

新濠天地注册娱乐 Power by DedeCms 

